Summer Day Camp Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What time is camp? Drop-off begins at 8:30 am and continues until 8:45 am. Pick-up is from 3:15 to 3:30 p.m. Aftercare is available from 3:30 to 5:00 pm for $25 per day.  

  2. Can a parent or guardian pick up after 3:30 pm? If you are not signed up for aftercare and pick up after 3:30 pm, you will be charged a $25 aftercare fee for that day. 

  3. Where is the camp located? Camp is situated in Rosewood Nature Study, located at 6500 Pembroke Drive, Reno, NV. 

  4. What will campers be doing each day at camp? All campers will participate in a combination of daily themed STEM activities, nature exploration around Rosewood Nature Study, daily water play, and camper’s choice. In addition to the themed activities, campers will have the opportunity to participate in traditional camp activities each week, including making tie-dye shirts, taking nature walks, participating in large group games, and having a group skit. Here is the schedule of daily activities:

    8:30 am: Drop off and Opening Circle 
    9:00 am: STEM and Themed Activities 
    Noon: Lunch
    12:30 pm: Camper's Choice 
    1:30 pm: Afternoon Snack
    1:45 pm: Water Play
    3:15 pm: Closing Circle
    3:30 pm: Pick-up and Aftercare Begins
    5:00 pm: Aftercare Ends 

  5. Do parents or guardians need to provide lunch for their camper? Yes, campers need to bring a sack lunch that does not require refrigeration or anything that must be microwaved.

  6. In addition to lunch and a snack, what else should be brought to camp? Camp takes place outdoors so be prepared for Nevada weather conditions. Dress in layers with weather-appropriate clothes, sunscreen, a hat and sturdy shoes. Activities also take place under shaded pergolas. Bring a water bottle (water stations are provided) and a backpack. Water play is planned for every day at camp. Please bring a swimsuit and towel.

  7. What if a camp session needs to be canceled? Please visit the Day Camp Policies page for details on how to cancel or change camp sessions. Read about Camp Protection Insurance, refunds, and leaving early from camp.

Additional information will be provided in the Camper Handbook which will be sent to families before the start of camp. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please reach out to us by email or by calling 775-355-1688, X1036.

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