STEM Explorers | Sierra Nevada Journeys

 STEM Explorers Afterschool Program

Each week students come together after school to explore the outdoors, learn about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) while building resiliency in Sierra Nevada Journeys’ STEM Explorers program.

Designed to help students build academic success, become comfortable in nature, and grow their social and emotional development through facilitated collaboration-based lessons.

  • Grade-level designed to support in-class lesson with out-of-school time and hands-on activities.

  • STEM Explorers is held on campus, after school. Depending on program structure, field trips to nearby nature areas and learning centers can also be incorporated.

  • Ideal for students 1st through 12th grade.

  • Customizable program based on school’s needs and price based on number of students and length of program.

  • 60-to-90-minute sessions, held 1-2 days per week over 1-2 months.

Interested in bringing STEM Explorers to you school?

Let us know by selecting your state and submitting a brief interest form.

You can also contact our program directors.

Olive Schillo
Program Director

Corrie Calderon
Senior Program Director

Sierra Nevada Journeys launches STEM Explorers by partnering with the Washoe County School District and the Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows. Read story >>

STEM Explorers expands to three new schools Northern Nevada. Read story >>

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