
Planning for
Your Overnight Summer Camp Trip


All monies are NON-REFUNDABLE unless Camp Protection Insurance is purchased at the time of the original registration. Camp Protection Insurance is per child, per week and may not carryover or be applied to another student.

A non-refundable deposit of $200 per child per session is required to secure your reservation for summer camp. All remaining camp fees are due by May 1. If you have not paid students camping fees by May 1, your credit card on file will be automatically charged.

If you prefer to use a different payment method or need to update your card on file, please log into your CampBrain account at scroll to bottom and click New Payment. Failure to make final payments by May 1 may result in your session being cancelled and deposit forfeited.

Life can happen when you least expect it. Help protect your investment by purchasing Camp Protection Insurance for $100 per student per session. All monies are NON-REFUNDABLE unless Camp Protection Insurance is purchased at the time of registration. This insurance allows you to cancel at any time before 4 p.m. on your scheduled drop off date, no questions asked. Additionally, you will receive a refund minus the $200 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit and the Protection Plan fee of $100. You must purchase the protection plan at the time of your original registration.

NOTICE TO CANCEL (With Protection Plan)
To cancel and receive your refund you must submit in writing, a notice of cancellation. Letters may be emailed or hand delivered to Sierra Nevada Journeys, c/o Camp Office Manager, OfficeManager@sierranevadajourneys.org or 5900 Grizzly Road, Portola, CA  96122.

Early dismissal or departure from camp are subject to a complete loss of fees. Dismissals resulting from behavior-related or criminal actions are not eligible for refund. Dismissals or departures due to sickness or injury are subject to complete loss of fees depending on the circumstances, time spent at camp, and ability to attend another session. Refunds are not available for loss of programming or changes to programming made to accommodate weather conditions.

Any funds left on your students’ camp store account are not refundable; they will be converted to a donation to Sierra Nevada Journeys’ scholarship fund and will help send youth to camp who might otherwise not have the opportunity to participate in camp programs.

Once a session fills, we have a waitlist. You will need to go through the registration process and although your credit card information is collected, the deposit is NOT charged. If a slot becomes available our Office Manager will call waitlisted campers in the order in which they were received. At that time, you may choose to accept or refuse the slot.

At any time, you may transfer to another session (week) if available. Please contact our Summer Camp Manager at summerprograms@sierranevadajourneys.org or by calling 530-832-1085

Code of Conduct

Sierra Nevada Journeys has established a Code of Conduct for all participants, students, campers, guests, and employees to uphold our values and create an equitable and safe environment.


Camp has modern facilities that are clean and comfortable. Campers are housed based on the genders selected on their camper application. Both youth and teen campers can expect to stay in yurts.

The yurts are elevated to provide a comfortable, yet rustic, lodging experience. Yurt accommodations offer each camper a bunk bed and storage space for their personal belongings. We will notify yurt campers one week in advance of your session. Both of the two-yurt villages, feature picnic tables and log benches for socializing, and an easily accessible portable restroom. Indoor restrooms and showers are conveniently located in the nearby pool house.

We have a spacious lodge where campers eat three daily meals. All summer campers eat together. Meals are served family-style with an opportunity for campers to get seconds. Campers can purchase an afternoon snack at the camp store and receive dessert with dinner. If your camper has food allergies or restrictions, please be sure to indicate those on the Health History Form. We make every effort to accommodate special dietary needs.

We have systems in place to make sure each child gets the medication they need. No camper is permitted to keep medications of any kind on them or in their cabin. EpiPens and inhalers are the ONLY exceptions. This includes prescription drugs and over-the-counter items such as Tylenol®, Sudafed® or cough drops. All medications that are brought to camp will be given to the qualified camp health staff on drop-off day. All prescription and over-the-counter medications need to be sent in the original bottle with the doctor’s name, dosage, and usage instructions on the bottle, if applicable. Please put all medication bottles to be used during camp in a clear zip-lock bag with your child’s name and instructions for administration on it. Qualified camp staff will dispense all necessary medications as needed. All medications will be returned to you when you pick up your child.

The best advice we can give you in preparing your child for being away from home is to BE POSITIVE! The more encouraging and engaging you can be with them before camp, the readier they’ll be for camp. Don’t treat homesickness like an issue to be swept under the rug. Confront it directly, let your child know it is normal, but try not to dwell on it. Focus on the great opportunities they will have at camp. Do not promise the helicopter rescue, “try it for a few days and if you don’t like it, we’ll pick you up.” Your camper will then only focus on the day you agreed to pick them up on and not the fun to be had while at camp.

Even though we do not allow phone calls home, encourage your child to keep in touch by writing letters or taking pictures that can be shared once they are home. It is also important to understand that many times parents have a greater issue related to homesickness and separation than their children.

If you have additional questions, please email summerprograms@sierranevadajourneys.org.


Sierra Nevada Journeys is a member of the American Camp Association. This means we have demonstrated compliance with health, safety, and program quality standards. These standards establish criteria for program, personnel, transportation, administrative procedures, health care, food service, program activities, and emergency procedures. Accreditation assures parents and campers that we have been measured against national standards for best practices in the camping industry.

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