Planned Giving | Sierra Nevada Journeys

 Planned Giving

Are you or someone you love thinking about leaving a legacy? Consider Sierra Nevada Journeys in your planning. We serve more than 30,000 students each year, and purchased Sierra Nevada Journeys Outdoor Education Camp located in Portola, CA so that we can provide outdoor education, science experiences, leadership development, and social and emotional learning for generations of young people to come.  Sierra Nevada Journeys has several options to consider; please reach out to Sean Hill so that we can have a conversation about your legacy. 

Potential options include:

  • Join the Sierra Nevada Journeys Legacy Stewards program with a scholarship bequest

  • Would you like to learn more about gifts of stock?

  • We can help you with IRA gifts.

  • Sierra Nevada Journeys and our students can also be beneficiaries of Donor Advised Funds.

We’d be honored to be considered a part of your legacy. Contact Sean Hill, 916.616.3842, today to schedule a meeting. 

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