Wind Cars

Discipline: Engineering, Physical Science
Age Range: 7-12
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
What you need: Notecards or paper, four-to-five straws, four lifesavers, one meter of tape


Note: Supplies can be substituted or exchanged for materials you have at home. For example, notecards can be swapped for cardboard, straws can be swapped for pencils, and lifesavers can be swapped for anything that is round or moves!


  1. You will use the materials you have been given (or gathered) to create a car that is powered by the wind (your breath).

  2. Your only rule is that your wheels must move!

  3. Once your car is complete place it on the floor or on a tabletop, blow a gust of wind, and see how it flies! (Additional tests: see how many breaths it takes to move across the floor, or measure the distance your car traveled in one breath.

  4. Once you test your car, try to improve it! What worked well the first time? What can you improve? Design another car and repeat steps 1-3!


Other design option.

Other design option.

Other design option.

Other design option.

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