Community Agreements - Using Construction Paper

Discipline: Team Building and Community Agreements*
Age Range: 10+
Estimated Time: 10-20 minutes
What you need: Construction paper; markers, pencils or paint; scissors; and tape or glue


*Community agreements are created as a way to establish a mutual understanding or make a set of expectations for all members of a community to abide by. They can be based on many things, such as how to support each community member and how to make everyone feel included. Please see What is a Community Agreement? blog post before starting this project.


1. Start with construction paper and grab some fun colors!


2. Choose two colors. Trace out a tree trunk and a tree top in any color you like.


3. Combine on to a background. Glue or tape tree on a larger piece of construction paper.


4. Add to the tree. Trace and cut out apples, fruits, treen nuts, squirrels and any other things that you might find on a tree.


5. Add values. Have everyone who is part of your community agreement add different values they believe are important for your community.

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