Six Employees Honored at 2022 Year-End Celebration

As the season winds down, camp is winterized and programs wrap up for the year, Sierra Nevada Journeys celebrates all the wonderful accomplishments achieved over the past year.

“While we still faced some challenges with the pandemic, our team has been exceptionally diligent in delivering and supporting programs for students. After a year of distance learning, isolation and learning loss, students needed our programs and time in the outdoors more than ever. I’m very proud of all the great work we’ve achieved and I’m honored to recognize six employees who have made a genuine difference,” said Sean Hill, CEO, Sierra Nevada Journeys.

On November 10, 2022, Sierra Nevada Journeys celebrated its seventh annual employee awards event honoring team members who exemplify our core values and went above and beyond in their commitment to serving students and customers. The following employees are recognized for their outstanding contributions. We thank you for your dedication and hard work.  

See pictures below of awardees being presented awards by their managers. 

Victorina Arvelo, Core Educator

Pictured: Victorina Arvelo, Core Educator and Corrie Calderon, Program Director

Victorina is an outstanding educator, a friendly and supportive coworker, and an asset in promoting equity and inclusion in our programs. She has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the Spanish-speaking community by frequently translating internal documents and communications, translating and creating numerous new program materials, and teaching several programs entirely in Spanish at schools with language immersion programs. Based on teacher feedback, the experience of having Victorina teach their classes in students’ native language resulted in students being much more engaged in science curricula and empowered in their identities.

Pictured: Kyle Burke, Kitchen Manager and Elda Perez Amaya, Kitchen Cook

Elda Perez Amaya, Kitchen Cook

Elda is recognized for her commitment to excellence and her loyalty to Sierra Nevada Journeys.

During the 2022 season, the kitchen went through big changes. Elda stepped up to take on more responsibilities and remained committed to our service of students and staff — all while implementing our mission to serve others. When times are challenging, people either quit or rise as leaders. Elda chose to rise and be a leader.

Spencer Bocks, Outdoor Program Instructor

Spencer has the ability to create rapport with participants of seemingly any age or background. He seamlessly transitions from school groups to community groups to camp and back with ease. The quality of the experiences Spencer facilitates for students, has been top tier. He strives daily to create that for every group.

Pictured: Spencer Bocks, Outdoor Program Instructor and Andy Stephens, Program Director

Pictured: Anna Moragne, Lead Outdoor Program Instructor and Krissy McGill, Residential Director of Education

Anna Moragne, Lead Outdoor Program Instructor

Anna stepped into the Lead Outdoor Program Instructor role late in the season and absolutely knocked it out of the park. Her gentle leadership is calm, yet palpable and she strives to think ahead in all aspects of programming to support staff and students.

Pictured: Alyssa Wagner, Program Director and Amanda Mulholland, Afterschool Coordinator

Amanda Mulholland, Afterschool Coordinator

Amanda always goes above and beyond and embodies Sierra Nevada Journeys’ accountability core value. She always says what she will do and follows through on it. Amanda supports others around her and regularly helps out her colleagues by always volunteering to lend a hand. Amanda is an integral part of Sierra Nevada Journeys and she makes our students feel cared for and is such a wonderful team mate.

Pictured: Kelsey Streeby, Bookkeeper and Ward Fansler, Finance Director

Kelsey Streeby, Bookkeeper

Kelsey has been Wonder Woman when it comes to supporting the grant reimbursement reporting that have included hundreds and hundreds of supporting documents downloaded and cross-referenced to the general ledger. During the staff transition in Advancement, she took on data input in the donor database, preparing thank you letters and other organization functions to help the fundraising process. Kelsey is never without a helping hand whenever there is something to be done, like taking it upon herself to make sure breakfast was available to Alyssa’s team cleaning out the basement storage in Reno one early morning. She is very skilled at working with vendors and staff to solve problems and provide and get answers. We are grateful she chose Sierra Nevada Journeys to share her talents and enthusiasm! 

Shop and Support Sierra Nevada Journeys

Figure 1

Using AmazonSmile is a great way to support your favorite charity and is an easy way to give back while doing your everyday shopping with Amazon. You may already be familiar with AmazonSmile, but did you know in 2020, Amazon did an update to its app to add AmazonSmile to the mobile platform? If you’re a fan of online shopping through the Amazon app, then you’re going to find that linking your AmazonSmile to your mobile app will supersize your donations to Sierra Nevada Journeys.

With just a few easy steps, your holiday and year-round shopping will support our student scholarship fund. It reaches youth from schools with financial barriers and have the least access to high-quality STEM education and outdoor experiences like those offered by Sierra Nevada Journeys.

There are two steps to prior to setting up your preferred charity on your Amazon app – you’ll need an AmazonSmile desktop account and have the Amazon app.

Figure 2

First, from your desktop computer sign into AmazonSmile, using your same account that you use for Next, select your favorite charity, Sierra Nevada Journeys, to start generating donations at no cost to you. There is no cost to using AmazonSmile — either from your desktop computer or through the app — and you have the same products and prices as

Second, make sure you have the Amazon app via your mobile phone. You can download the Amazon app from the App Store for iOS or Google Play for Android.

You’re now ready to turn on AmazonSmile through your app in just a couple of steps:

  1. Open the app, and select the collapsed menu-burger icon of the three horizontal lines, Figure 1.

  2. Scroll past the boxes to the bottom of the page and tap “settings,” Figure 2.

  3. Under settings, select “AmazonSmile.” On the top of this page, you will see your selected charity. Turn on the mobile app from this page. Over time, you can also see your AmazonSmile impact from this section. Figure 3 and 4.


Once you are set up, the donations automatically come to Sierra Nevada Journeys and you’re helping students access quality STEM programs. AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of all eligible purchases and it adds up so it is worthwhile to take a moment and update your app and start shopping!


Figure 3

Figure 4

You can read more here from Amazon about linking your AmazonSmile account to mobile.

Sierra Nevada Journeys Receives $177,655 ARPA Grant for STEM Explorers Program

Students learn about atmospheric pressure with rocket launch experiment

Three new schools will get to enjoy the many academic and social benefits of the STEM Explorers program thanks to a generous $177,655 American Rescue Plan Act (APRA) grant: Desert Skies Middle School, O’Brien - STEM Academy and Sparks Middle School.

The program will help fill an educational equity gap at the three schools in underserved areas and provide continuity of programming as students transition from middle school to high school. The STEM Explorers program has proved to increase science literacy and test scores across all subjects as youth engage in hands-on experiences in science, technology, engineering, and math. The program also includes a social-emotional learning (SEL) component with activities that increase resiliency and belonging among peers and aids in self-awareness, mutual respect, collaboration, and mental well-being.

Students will also have the opportunity to attend the Overnight Outdoor Learning, science camp at the end of the school year where they experience nature first-hand while learning and growing emotionally and socially.

Sierra Nevada Journeys chose to bring the program to these three schools based on their demonstrated need, geographic location, engaged and interested leadership, and the schools’ capacity to expand resources. The Family Stability Collaborative conducted listening sessions held by Washoe County School District Parent University at each site. At all three schools, families, students, and teachers said they wanted after school opportunities – especially those that actively engage students in academic success and meaningful connections.

There is tremendous opportunity for the STEM Explorers program at the new sites to increase science literacy and bring quality educational and social learning experiences to neighborhoods experiencing barriers to access in terms of income, education, housing and medical insurance coverage.

We look forward to serving the youth at the schools and getting them excited about science, nature, and exploration!

Read more about the creation of STEM Explorers and its initial launch with Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows through BGCTM’s 21st Century Grant. Participating schools include Dilworth Middle School, Sparks High School and Hug High School.

Student study covalent bonds through tie dye

Sierra Nevada Journeys Connects Students to STEM Education: 2021 Community Report

Thousands of students connected to quality STEM education and hands-on field experiences through programs provided by outdoor education nonprofit Sierra Nevada Journeys in 2021, according to its recently released annual report.

Sierra Nevada Journeys, a 501(c)(3) organization that serves the Northern California and Northern Nevada regions, provides a range of science and leadership education opportunities for children and teens designed to meet state science standards and improve educational outcomes. Programs include classroom lessons that culminate into a field day at a nearby nature area; and an outdoor education camp at Grizzly Creek Ranch in Portola where youth explore ecosystems, chemistry, and biology while building critical thinking and collaboration skills.

“Sierra Nevada Journeys is committed to providing effective and memorable educational experiences to youth from underserved communities to ensure students from all backgrounds can receive STEM education; on average students receive less than three hours per week of science at the elementary school level,” says Sean Hill, CEO with Sierra Nevada Journeys. “Our programs have proven to increase test scores and provide strong educational outcomes for the students and schools who participate.”

Since 2020, Sierra Nevada Journeys has updated its programs to account for health and safety protocols. These changes have not deterred the organization from continuing to provide quality in-person and hybrid learning opportunities.

Sierra Nevada Journeys provided a positive impact on students in the Sacramento region in 2021 in a multitude of ways.

  • Through a collaboration with Black Youth Leadership Project and Square Root Academy, Sierra Nevada Journeys hosted a one-of-a-kind camp that focused on STEM, environmental education, leadership, and social justice principles. Hack the Woods Camp brought children and teens from the Sacramento area to Grizzly Creek Ranch for an exceptional experience thanks to a grant from the City of Sacramento Youth Development Office.

  • Launched ​​The Native Voices Project, a collaboration between Sierra Nevada Journeys, the Plumas County Office of Education, and the Mountain Maidu community in Plumas County. The project has developed new outdoor science learning experiences that incorporate the Maidu language and traditional ecological knowledge.

  • The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (Regional San) Confluence Program partnered with Sierra Nevada Journeys to serve 2,200 fifth-grade students through the Hands in the River program. The nonprofit also created a series of Virtual Classroom lessons that demonstrate “what happens after you flush in the wastewater treatment process.

  • About 7,500 students participated in Classrooms Unleashed, a multi-day, hands-on STEM program backwards designed from the Next Generation Science Standards. Students learn topics including ecosystems and environmental change, geologic change to the Earth’s crust, matter and engineering, plant biology, biomimicry, human impact and watershed health.

  • Launched Leadership on the Lawn, a social-emotional learning program that encourages empathy, communication, problem-solving skills, and teamwork.

  • Schools participating in the program reported that a higher percentage of students – by 6 percent – met or exceeded the standardized science test scores compared to students at schools without Sierra Nevada Journey’s programming.

  • Partnered with the Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows to provide after-school programming for Northern Nevada middle and high school students that focused on STEM exploration, social-emotional learning and outdoor experiences.

  • Through the support of donors, we were able to bring youth from Reno Housing Authority to Summer Camp and families came together and spent time outdoors at Family Camp.

  • Thanks to a grant awarded by Tesla, the third annual Girls in STEM Camp was held for young women from Nevada Title 1 schools. The STEM education camp included a star-studded lineup of industry guest speakers from across the region including experts from industries such as engineering, science research, hydrology, biomass, natural resource management, and conservation.

Sierra Nevada Journeys has plans to launch new education opportunities and initiatives, including a leadership camp for youth from underserved communities. This summer, the nonprofit will partner with area youth organizations to provide field trips where children explore local river ecosystems.

For more information on Sierra Nevada Journeys, check out its recently published annual report.

Sierra Nevada Journeys’ Afterschool Program Gets Kids Loving STEM

Each week students come together after school to explore the outdoors, learn about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) while building resiliency in Sierra Nevada Journeys’ STEM Explorers program.

STEM Explorers is intentionally designed to help children build academic success, become comfortable in nature, and grow their social and emotional development through facilitated leadership and collaboration-based lessons.

“We expand on what students are learning in science class and supplement it with similar hands-on activities during our afterschool programming. We help students grow their confidence and get them excited about science; they can see themselves going into STEM careers in the future,” said Audrey Bergmann, Afterschool Program Coordinator with Sierra Nevada Journeys.

A recent study by RAND Corporation, a nonprofit research organization, recognized how programs provided outside of school hours help students improve their competency of STEM concepts and social-emotional learning (SEL). Students learn to manage their emotions and build positive, trusting relationships with their teachers and fellow students – all attributed to the benefits of SEL.1

In fall 2021, Sierra Nevada Journeys launched STEM Explorers by partnering with the Washoe County School District and the Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadow (BGCTM). The program is made possible by BGCTM’s 21st Century Grant, which supports academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children. Three school sites were selected as the program’s home base: Dilworth Middle School; Sparks High School; and Hug High School. Sierra Nevada Journeys uses nature and the environment as our classroom. In addition to on-campus activities, a variety of nature areas, regional parks, learning centers and museums across the region are used to take the learning outdoors and provide hands-on experiences.

“We’ve taken students to Rosewood Nature Study area to learn about native and invasive species; students also participated in removing invasive plants. Next week we’re going to the University of Nevada Mackay School of Science and Engineering for tours of their labs,” Bergmann said.

“Recently, I learned many of our middle school aged STEM Explorers have never had the opportunity to visit The Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum. You tend to think of The Discovery for young children, but we applied the STEM theories as we interacted with the exhibits. They had a blast,” added Bergmann.

The curriculum flexes throughout the year based on student interests. For example, at STEM Explorers last year, students said they’d love to learn about photography. We now offer lessons examining light, cameras, and lenses – concluding with a cow eye dissection. By allowing students’ inquiry to guide lessons, Sierra Nevada Journeys’ instructors nurture passion, develop curiosity, and reinforce the importance of asking questions.

As recognized by the Afterschool Alliance in 2021 2, participants in sustained, afterschool STEM programs are more likely to become interested in STEM, grow understanding and proficiency, and see themselves involved in STEM enterprises.

Furthermore, STEM Explorers builds on these concepts through intentional SEL. Students participate in activities that increase resiliency and belonging among peers and aids in self-awareness, mutual respect, collaboration, and mental well-being.  According to an end-of-the year survey administered to students in STEM Explorers, the majority developed different ways to solve problems and “made friends who care about them.”

STEM Explorers serves a dual purpose of increasing proficiency in STEM subjects, driving an increased participation in the state’s booming STEM industries, while also supporting students’ emotional well-being and promoting connection to their peers. Sierra Nevada Journeys sees first-hand, and hears from teachers, that there is an acute need to incorporate activities that increase connectedness and belonging among students as they deal with the mental impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


1 Katie Tosh, Heather L. Schwartz and Catherine H. Augustine, “Strengthening Students’ Social and Emotional Skills Lessons from Six Case Studies of Schools and Out-of-School-Time Program Partners.”

2 “The America After 3PM special report, STEM Learning in Afterschool on the Rise, But Barriers and Inequities Exist,” Afterschool Alliance, p.4;

About Sierra Nevada Journeys

Sierra Nevada Journeys is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that delivers innovative outdoor, science-based education programs for youth to develop critical thinking skills and to inspire natural resource stewardship. Through multiple points of contact, our classroom and virtual-based programs, overnight science camps, professional development for teachers, and parent engagement opportunities surround students with resources they need to succeed. All programs are designed to foster higher cognition and build long-term student achievement. Of the 24,000 children that annually participate in our programs, 74 percent come from communities that face financial barriers and 70 percent are BIPOC, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Also, 13 percent of the individuals who attend our programs, are living with a disability.

Sierra Nevada Journeys to host Sacramento area students at Hack the Woods Camp

Sacramento-area teens, 13-17 years old, will learn STEM, leadership and life skills at Sierra Nevada Journeys’ Hack the Woods Camp in early November. 

The program combines STEM education, social justice sessions, and personal development to provide youth from underrepresented communities the opportunity to gain important skills for future success. 

Eligible participants are part of the Black Youth Leadership Project (BYLP) and Square Root Academy (SRA), co-sponsors of the camp. A generous grant from the City of Sacramento Youth Development is covering the cost for the 600 participants over the project period. 

This past spring the three nonprofits collaboratively designed and delivered the first STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and Social Justice Camp experience; participants came from high priority communities in the City of Sacramento. The partnership is intended to meet the goals of each organization’s existing and ongoing programs while providing opportunities for safe outdoor recreation, teambuilding, and leadership for teens. Camps are led by mentors and educators trained jointly by the three organizations.

The overarching goals of the project are: 1) Strengthen youth development programming in Sacramento; 2) Foster academic success by providing impactful STEM and outdoor learning opportunities to low-income students; and 3) Promote youth empowerment by providing social justice and leadership training to youth from Sacramento’s high priority neighborhoods.

“We are excited to provide this program for these teens,” says Krissy McGill, Residential Director of Education, Sierra Nevada Journeys. “The combination of outdoor education, STEM lessons, and leadership insights gives the campers such a boost of confidence. It’s just amazing to see their sense of wonder as they explore ecosystems while learning teamwork and collaboration. They can sometimes come in guarded, but they leave with amazing confidence and enthusiasm.”

“Ten of us from BYLP attended last spring as mentors and it was a transformative experience not only for our students but for all of us. The shared experiences we had at camp continued long after leaving Sierra Nevada Journeys. At Hack the Woods, I facilitate the social justice workshops on advocacy and provide a safe space where the campers are seen and valued. It has been tremendously impactful and everything we do is done with intention. We lead with heart not head,” says Lorreen R. Pryor, President and CEO, BYLP.

“At Square Root Academy, we’re a nonprofit that brings STEM education to under resourced communities. Hack the Woods has been a particularly special opportunity for Sacramento students. Taking STEM concepts and learning to the great outdoors is an extraordinary experience for students. They’ve enjoyed new adventures and have challenged themselves to go beyond their comfort zone,” says Nicholas Haystings, Executive Director, Square Root Academy.

The camp takes place November 4-6, 2022, and April 14-16, 2023 at Sierra Nevada Journeys’ Grizzly Creek Ranch outdoor environmental education camp in Portola, California. Learn more about the curriculum planned for November.

For more information about this and other programs provided by Sierra Nevada Journeys, please contact Andy Stephens, Program Director, 530-832-1085. If you know of a teen that may be interested in attending this one-of-a-kind camp, please visit: or for more information.

About Sierra Nevada Journeys

Sierra Nevada Journeys is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that delivers innovative outdoor, science-based education programs for youth to develop critical thinking skills and to inspire natural resource stewardship. Through multiple points of contact, our classroom and virtual-based programs, overnight science camps, professional development for teachers, and parent engagement opportunities surround students with resources they need to succeed. All programs are designed to foster higher cognition and build long-term student achievement. Of the 24,000 children that annually participate in our programs, 74 percent come from communities that face financial barriers and 70 percent are BIPOC, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Also, 13 percent of the individuals who attend our programs, are living with a disability.

About Black Youth Leadership Project

BYLP was established in 1999 as a non-profit and nonpartisan educational organization dedicated to developing California's next generation of public policy leaders. Since its inception, BYLP has served more than 4,500 students and has helped make the Capitol and its Black staff more accessible to our youth and community. Through its programs, BYLP seeks to introduce more youth to the legislative process in an effort to connect the need for and an understanding of democracy and public service at an early age. Through accumulation of concepts, ideas and a greater understanding of the role of citizen and government, BYLP lifts youth closer toward platforms of academic achievement, career growth and leadership opportunities.

BYLP is committed to ensuring the youth have a voice at the table during all discussions had by officials — whether elected or sworn to protect and serve. We believe the youth are the leaders they have been waiting for and are committed to empowering the youth as they assume position and lead this moment to a movement.

About Square Root Academy

Square Root Academy is a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) based nonprofit organization dedicated to educating underrepresented youth on the fundamentals of STEAM while emphasizing collaborative learning, innovation, and academic excellence. This goal is executed under our three key pillars: community involvement, project based learning, and professional STEAM exposure. We expose Academy scholars to the growing field of STEAM at no cost, while promoting creativity, leadership, and academic excellence.

Sierra Nevada Journeys Earns Firewise Certification

Every year, wildfires burn across the United States, and a growing number of people are living where wildfires are a real risk. Plumas County is surrounded by woodlands and wildfires and recently experienced the devastating impacts of the Dixie Fire, the second-largest in California’s history at 963,309 acres.

That’s why Sierra Nevada Journeys and the lower grizzly community became a Firewise Site of Excellence.

The National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Firewise USA® program teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action now to prevent possible losses in the future. 

In order to receive designation as a Firewise Community, Sierra Nevada Journeys and neighboring homeowners completed a risk assessment of the Lower Grizzly Creek area. Together they developed an action plan to address the identified risks, areas of successful wildfire risk reduction and areas where improvements could be made. This effort earned Sierra Nevada Journeys and its neighbors the designation as a Firewise Community, demonstrating our commitment to protecting the community from wildfire. The designation also helps guide our future activities.

“Sierra Nevada Journeys strives to be a leader in environmental stewardship, and being named a Firewise Community is just another way we demonstrate our commitment to supporting our local ecosystems,” says Adam Yarnes, Camp Executive Director, Sierra Nevada Journeys. “We want children and others who use our facilities to feel safe and know that we are committed to taking all safeguards while protecting the environment.”

Yarnes says the preparation Sierra Nevada Journeys put into being named a Firewise Community can be shared with organizations who train at camp, including the Feather River College Environmental Studies program. The college sends students to the camp to practice hands-on forestry maintenance.

“Fire prevention and mitigation are key to maintaining forest health for future generations, and the students from places like Feather River College will benefit from seeing and learning first-hand how to protect woodland and wildland areas,” Yarnes says.

Some steps for preparing your buildings and land for wildfires include:

  • Vegetation management, limiting the amount of vegetation around building and ignition zones;

  • Trimming branches that overhang near buildings, thinning of trees and removal of plants that contain resins, oils and waxes;

  • Use gravel instead of flammable mulches;

  • Use fire resistive construction materials for roofs, decks and siding; and

  • Prepare for emergencies with clearly marked addresses, clearance around driveways and detailed evacuation plans.

To learn more about why fires start and how to stay safe, you can find educational information at

Community Agreements - Toilet Paper Rolls

Discipline: Team Building and Community Agreements*
Age Range: 10+
Estimated Time: 20-30 minutes
What you need: Empty toilet paper rolls; scissors; string, tape or rubber bands; markers, pens, or paint and paintbrushes; stickers; and any additional art supplies you would like for decorating; and tape (optional)


*Community agreements are created as a way to establish a mutual understanding or make a set of expectations for all members of a community to abide by. They can be based on many things, such as how to support each community member and how to make everyone feel included. Please see What is a Community Agreement? blog post before starting this project.


1. Collect crafting materials and remove any excess toilet paper from rolls.


2. Use a different toilet paper roll and cut into segments — one segment for each community member. Feel free to use multiple rolls if you have a large community!


3. Give each community members their toilet paper roll segment. Have them add their name and decorate it to highlight their individuality within the community.


4. Designate one toilet paper roll for your community name and values. Collaborate with community members to decorate this community roll and add words or pictures that represent your agreement


7. Option A: Have an adult use scissors or another sharp object to poke small holes in the main roll and each individual’s segments. Pull string or other hanging material through the hole in the main roll and individual roll and tie a knot to secure the end.


Option B: Use tape or glue to attach string ends to the main roll and individual segments.


6. Enjoy your final product!


Community Agreements - Friendship Bracelets

Discipline: Team Building and Community Agreements*
Age Range: 10+
Estimated Time: 20+ minutes
What you need: Scissors, string or thin yarn a binder clip or tape

*Community agreements are created as a way to establish a mutual understanding or make a set of expectations for all members of a community to abide by. They can be based on many things, such as how to support each community member and how to make everyone feel included. Please see What is a Community Agreement? blog post before starting this project.


1. Have each community member choose a string that will represent what they bring to the community, or what they would like to see in their community.


2. Cut strings long enough to fit as a bracelet and tie them together in an overhand knot at the end. Two feet should be a good length with which to start.

3. Clip or tape the strings onto something stable, such as a clipboard or chair.
4. Put the strings in the order that you want the colors to be in. The string furthest to the left will make the first row.
5. Take the first string (light blue in the picture below) and put it across on top of the second string (red) so that it looks like the number 4. Be sure to cross ​OVER​ the second string, not under it.


6. Wrap the tail end of the string (light blue end on the right) around the second string (red) and pull through the window you just made. Tighten the light blue string and ​move the loop up to the top of the bracelet​ while holding the second string (red) taught. Make a second loop by pulling the first string (light blue) around the second (red), the same way the first knot was tied.


7. Continue step 6 with each color of string, tying two loops around the strings to the right of the color you’re working on.

Light blue -> Red (2x), Green (2x), Dark blue (2x)
Red-> Green (2x), Dark blue (2x), Light Blue (2x)
Green-> Dark blue (2x), Light blue (2x), Red (2x)...etc.


8. Continue this process with the rest of the colors until the bracelet is long enough!


9. Wear the bracelet to remind you about what your community represents to you.

Helpful Hints: If you are having trouble following along with these instructions, there are many online videos that may be helpful! Here are a few:

DYI: 4 Easy Friendship Bracelets | Jada Draper

DIY Friendship Bracelets for Beginners | Craft Factory

Community Agreements - Using Construction Paper

Discipline: Team Building and Community Agreements*
Age Range: 10+
Estimated Time: 10-20 minutes
What you need: Construction paper; markers, pencils or paint; scissors; and tape or glue


*Community agreements are created as a way to establish a mutual understanding or make a set of expectations for all members of a community to abide by. They can be based on many things, such as how to support each community member and how to make everyone feel included. Please see What is a Community Agreement? blog post before starting this project.


1. Start with construction paper and grab some fun colors!


2. Choose two colors. Trace out a tree trunk and a tree top in any color you like.


3. Combine on to a background. Glue or tape tree on a larger piece of construction paper.


4. Add to the tree. Trace and cut out apples, fruits, treen nuts, squirrels and any other things that you might find on a tree.


5. Add values. Have everyone who is part of your community agreement add different values they believe are important for your community.

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