Outdoor Program Instructor
My name is Mac, and I am an Outdoor Program Instructor. I was born and raised in Asheville, North Carolina and graduated from Appalachian State University in May 2022 (roll ‘Neers). I’ve been working in the outdoor industry for four years at App State and Camp Lutheridge in Arden, NC. I spend every free moment climbing big rocks and paddling big water. I also love playing and listening to music, taking care of my small army of houseplants, and cooking meals for my loved ones. In the past few years, I have had many adventures (and a few misadventures) across the world in Acadia, Shenandoah, the Southern Appalachians, Savannah, Chicago, Washington DC, the backcountry of Kentucky, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the Grand Tetons, San Francisco, Seattle, Peru, Israel, and the West Bank. I love telling stories about my travels, so feel free to ask about them! My parents have been taking me and my sister hiking all over our mountains at home since we were very little, so I have them to thank for my spirit for adventure. I’m absolutely thrilled to share this new adventure with the staff and guests at Sierra Nevada Journeys.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
- Desmond Tutu