Floating Fingers

Discipline: Team Building
Age Range: 7-12
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
What you need: At least two people; the more people you have will make the activity more challenging and fun! A lightweight, rigid object such as a ruler, pencil, hula-hoop, board game box or CD

This is a simple team-building activity that can be modified with a number of household objects. The goal is to collectively lower an object to the ground. Each participant will stand and place their pointer finger out, palms down. The object will be placed on top of all the fingers. Everyone must keep their finger in contact with the object at all times. As a team, carefully lower the object all the way to the ground. If any fingers come off the object or the object falls, restart from the top. If you master this activity with one object, try it with another. See what objects are easier or harder than others. Try it with different numbers of people; the more people, the more challenging the activity will be.


Debrief Questions: Once you have completed the activity, discuss how it went.

  1. Why was it hard to lower the object?

  2. How did you communicate during this activity?

  3. What changes did you need to make to be more successful?

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